Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fresh Faced Monday

Hey There!

The sun is out and the sky is so blue! Today is motivation in itself. For us ordinary people a day like today is so valued... even the sun is shining in Winter and So can You! 
Remember we are all fabulous although we are ordinary! 
Shine bright like the sun! Show the world something special you have to offer! 

So stay FAB my ordinary people
And Im Out. 


Winter Wants (Handbag Edition)

Hello My Lovelies,

Today whilst Handbag Shopping I came to realize that 1. Im way to PICKY (My Boyfriend can vouche for that) & 2. There are way too many bags out there to choose from

Below I have created for you a collection of all My Winter Wants (Handbag Edition) And Also done a little research and found similar styled bags to those us ordinary people wish we had mountains of! My favourite A-list brands would have to be Michael Kors & Marc Jacobs. Each collection ever released has such class and elegance in such simple design. But on a much affordable scale Colette by Colette Hayman have a huge selection of handbags to cater to all bag lover desires. When I walk in I walk out happy!

For me the Classic Tote is always a must have, It defines elegance and class and Is a very common style created through many brand interpretations. 
 1. Colette by Colette Hayman -  Melanie Buckle Tote AUD $29.98
2.  MICHAEL Michael Kors -  Hamilton Large Tote AUD $358.00  
3. Colette by Colette Hayman (Unknown Name Sorry...)
4. Marc Jacobs - Too Hot To Handle Small Top Handle AUD $428.00
5.  Colette by Colette Hayman -  Mile Turnlock Tote AUD $49.95   

Your Welcome :) 

So stay FAB my Ordinary people.  
And Im Out. 
p.s Did you know? That an average woman holds at least 1.3kg in her bag... I guess I am definately not considered an average woman, I carry a luggage worth around.

Oh Hello, Welcome to La Ordinary Vida!

 Hey Beautiful People,

I want to use this space to introduce myself to the world of blogging. I'm entirely new to this industry (if you wish to call it that) however, I have had an aspiring desire to connect with the outside world and express my interests in fashion/beauty and travel within media. While  providing you with my ordinary experiences of my life, my love and my family and give you tips on how i have coped and managed to survive this ordinary life! 
I believe although many of us are fortunate people, we do manage to stumble in our ordinary lives and come across hurdles we consider 'first world problems'. For a simple girl like me I find myself approaching quiet a few! Whether its finding the ideal skin care product to control my seemingly aggressive acne, finding the motivation to wake up and exercise or eat right to coping with uni pressures and problems within relationships. 
I have found it enriching to talk about and express my experiences to hopefully imprint on someones life and give them a channel to relate to! 

Sooo... Simply Im a 19 year old Commerce Student with a penchant for art, fashion/beauty and all things travel. I have lived as much as an ordinary person with experiences much like your own or much like those you will have. As an ordinary girl i wish to pass on ordinary tips on how to achieve that perfect summer to winter look, tackling that overdue essay, motivating oneself to get things done or start that healthy lifestyle. 

Being me i know what its like to not know whats around that corner, but I do know how you can tackle it head on. 

p.s. Did you know? That not being thirsty actually means your thirsty... Duh! Who would have thought Today I found out the hard way. It seems your body decides to shut its thirst mechanisms down when you actually need it the most... ha ha!

So Stay FAB my ordinary people! 
And Im Out 

Alicia :)