Showing posts with label Kiki K. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kiki K. Show all posts

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Operation Organisation: How I Stay Organised

I thought this post was appropriate since I'm coming up to a busy part of the year, with a lot going on so, it was important to remind myself of how I keep organised, and why not share it with you. 
 I am now understanding the importance in the art of organisation, Juggling life takes patience, time and organisation. Even when it seems that you have it all together, you have forgotten an appointment, mixed up an event or even ran out of the time in the 24 hours that we are given in a day. Needless to say, life is what you make of it... 
Wanting a future, and starting young is a dream of mine, developing a business and seeing it through takes hard work and organisation. Creating good habits is a task, but not an impossible one. I have found success through much trial and error. So, for those young and aspiring entrepreneurs out there or those who just want a more balanced life, I share with you my life in organisation. 
With that being said, I wish to share a few tips on how I personally stay organised...

1. I keep an accurate & up-to-date diary, Noting down where and on what my time was taken up. That way I can see where I wasted time, and see how i used it. It may seem unnecessary, but it does make things a lot more manageable.

2. I correspond the above onto my phone, setting reminders and alarms to keep me on track, I have written sticky note reminders for myself, as nerdy as that sounds it makes things interesting. 

3. An important thing that i have learnt, is that the making of lists, although seemingly productive, become a complete waste of time. Limit your lists to one at a time, don't make another until your current one is complete, that way you will not only complete what you need to do, but also see it all be completed. One tick at a time.

4. Make sure you make time for yourself, something positive and uplifting. I love walking my dog, early mornings and recently treating my myself to facials and regular visits to my beautician.

5. Most importantly! Don't stress, this is struggle for me. I have found myself in to deep and unable to surface from the pressure of emotions, deadlines and management. My desire for perfection has ruined me in the past. Not to say I don't desire perfection, but is now a following criteria of success. Health and mental stability is far more important. 

I really hope that gave you some tips on how to stay focused and keep things under controlled, Now for me to apply them... 
I would love to know how you all stay organised, let me know :)