Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My New Lover


It becomes a crime when you ignore the facts. Quality, Sophistication & Perfection.

When a price tag screams over-priced, I tend to run the other way. However, I bit the bullet and made a purchasing pursuit that punctured my uni student income, but I am please to say that it was love at first application. Bobbi Brown where have you been all my life! 

As some of you may know, I have been suffering from aggressive acne which has lead to minimal to severe scarring. Finding an effective concealer has been a tortuous journey, but I've finally found the one. 

Bobbi Brown is a household name, but I had never gussied up to make the purchase, because of the price and bad past experiences with other higher end make-up brands. I had my eye on these products for some time now, And I'm a fool for not purchasing them sooner. 

It is worth the investment. And here's why!

Creamy & smooth application, anti-bacterial factors, consistent coverage & perfect colour matching.

Enough said.

1. Bobbi Brown's: Corrector in Bisque 

Applied first before concealing, the corrector acts as liquid-paper essentially giving you a blank, fresh canvas to start with. Depending on your individual discolouration wit determine the tone of corrector. As I have a blue/purple tint to my dark circles I have a peachy, warmed toned correctors. Others with a more green or brown would look at using a yellow based corrector. (Just a tip if you were curious, helped me...) 

2. Bobbi Brown's: Creamy Concealer & Sheer Finish Pressed Powder in Natural Tan & Pale Yellow...

Although I've been told I don't really need an under eye cream. It works a charm when I have had a rough night or the ordeals of a long and dreary week show up as suitcases under my eyes. So highlighting and uplifting. Perfect for when your going for a more fuller and flawless coverage look. 

3.Bobbi Brown's: Face Touch Up Stick in Natural Tan (425) 

With anti-bacterial properties, what more could I ask for. Treating acne whilst wearing make-up is a blessing. Because my scarring is red/blue I have found it hard to find a perfect concealer. Going for cheaper, chemist sold brands were always my safe haven, but I soon realised that quality comes at a price, not news to many I assume... 
Perfect for all-day coverage, lasts and isn't oily. With a full face of make-up or alone, works a treat, blends perfectly and has lasted for me without the need to powder set. 

That is my debut of my newly purchased Bobbi Brown Concealer range. I hope this has helped. 
I will be posting a few more of my "2014 Fave's So Far" soon, so Check in again soon jelly beans. 


Friday, February 28, 2014

Writers Block

After much absence from the blogging world, I have come to have a clear state of mind and a peace within myself to truly say that loving yourself is the first step to a happy life.
After such a tough and roller coaster ride of a year last year, I struggled through heartbreak, dissapointment, betrayal and severe self consciousness. With a smile on my face I came out stronger, wiser and more resistant to pain. 
I love those around me, and grateful for the endless love and support. 

Which brings me to a serious and touching issue that has been so prevalent today, and has prompted me to return with a altered view on expression and inspiration. I do not normally touch upon such emotional issues, but if my words reach at least one person, causing them to treat the world better or help someone out of a deep and dangerous state of mind, my exsistence here would have relevance to the change in humanity.

Depression is a controlling and persistent state of mind. It can happen to anyone, anywhere at anytime. It's important to understand how much damage it can cause. 
Often depression is caused by emotional instability or the infliction of others. The belittling and demeaning behaviour of tearing one down to the point of self-destruction, is so common nowadays. Such actions cause mental and emotional ache for those victims to such abuse.

Why do the people of the world insist on fighting one another, when we all should fight together to survive this life?

The condemnation of one to another is sinister. AND I cannot begin to understand the reason for such behaviour. Is it jealousy? envy? hatred? 
And sadly, yes it is. 

The world has been ravished of its purity and perfection. Becoming a horrible place to be for some, those who would rather die then live through judgement.

This only touches the true evil that the world has become, We live in a world where fighting and killing for the right of land and religion is praised and diplomatically supported, the mistreatment and unethical slaughter of animals have become a sport and poverty has become an acceptable socio-economical class...

Was this the plan for this world? Would our greater being be proud of what we have made of this world? Are you proud of your world?

It is hard to see how you can change the world, in a worldly sense... However, if you narrow your view and focus on aspects at your reach, the image becomes less impossible and more doable, a single change can make a world of difference.

Focus to better yourself, before scrutinising others. Eliminate hate and violence from your life and appreciate the air, before it's to late... 
