Showing posts with label it. Show all posts
Showing posts with label it. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2013


I don't exactly have a Victoria Secret model body, and I can confidently enough say that I'm happy with just that...
But, aside from looking great, there is preference in the need to feel great! I have lived a sluggish lifestyle, never really held much interest in sports... Always ate what I wanted when I wanted.. But once high school ended and that cushion turned into flab, I knew it was time to be proactive... 
Now, I'm no fitness guru but I do know a thing or two about determination and motivation.
You can buy all the diet books, equipment, food or pay for gyms and personal trainers, but at the end of the day the crunch comes down to you.. 
Your mindset can be your greatest friend or Your greatest enemy... 
Have you ever had a moment in life where you have decided to 'get fit'? Be more active? Never eat junk food again? 
And been so in control of what you ate or did, but saw no results after a few weeks, and then gave up... Story of my life, amen! 
But, I can tell you that the journey never ends, fitness is a lifestyle not a location, you must defeat all insecurity and understand that you are great! 
Remember with no challenge there's no gain, and with no gain comes demotivation... 

So, keep your heads up, chest out and butts up! Love your body not for others but for yourself! And gain and change will come from that! 

My journey to my perfect self, has only begun... I want you to join me! I will be an outlet for motivation.
If anyone has any tips in regards to this area pleas feel free to comment me, I will be beyond happy to hear from you :) 

Stay fab! 