Sunday, August 18, 2013


I don't exactly have a Victoria Secret model body, and I can confidently enough say that I'm happy with just that...
But, aside from looking great, there is preference in the need to feel great! I have lived a sluggish lifestyle, never really held much interest in sports... Always ate what I wanted when I wanted.. But once high school ended and that cushion turned into flab, I knew it was time to be proactive... 
Now, I'm no fitness guru but I do know a thing or two about determination and motivation.
You can buy all the diet books, equipment, food or pay for gyms and personal trainers, but at the end of the day the crunch comes down to you.. 
Your mindset can be your greatest friend or Your greatest enemy... 
Have you ever had a moment in life where you have decided to 'get fit'? Be more active? Never eat junk food again? 
And been so in control of what you ate or did, but saw no results after a few weeks, and then gave up... Story of my life, amen! 
But, I can tell you that the journey never ends, fitness is a lifestyle not a location, you must defeat all insecurity and understand that you are great! 
Remember with no challenge there's no gain, and with no gain comes demotivation... 

So, keep your heads up, chest out and butts up! Love your body not for others but for yourself! And gain and change will come from that! 

My journey to my perfect self, has only begun... I want you to join me! I will be an outlet for motivation.
If anyone has any tips in regards to this area pleas feel free to comment me, I will be beyond happy to hear from you :) 

Stay fab! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A piece from my heart...

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and 8 months, We have experienced a lot that many young couples have not or may not ever have to endeavour through. Although we are young we are extremely close and from this I know struggle will be our smallest conquest.
 Being young I don't consider myself an expert on all things relationship, I mean at any age in life and love we all learn. Love is a language that is ever changing and for me I'm always learning. 
Finding someone you are in sync with, when your hearts, minds and bodies connect systematically is something no money can buy.
Being blessed is the word. 
Not to say that we don't get on each others nerves 99% of the time, our love and good memories conquer the bad, and all is forgotten. 
A relationship is what you make of it, For us we find resolution from the most random of actions. But, we always get there. 
Success comes from, realising defeat and coming down from the angry clouds and ultimately listening. 
For me, I have problems with levelling the playing field and just listening...
 When tensions are high and points are wanting to be proven. Its hard, but effective and reachable.
Forgiveness is important,  you can not go on and enjoy all the best you can give with out leaving the past behind. 
Forever, we will argue and banter on about unnecessary annoyances, Im sure but I know he is enough happy for me! 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Food Glorious Food!

The best sandwich in town! 
The amazing sandwich makers at The German Bakery - Luneburgers have discovered a fine alternative to the burger.
Probably the best sandwich i have ever tasted... 
Cucumber, tomato, cheese, turkey and pesto paste! To die for :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Outfit of the Day

A vintage twist, I love abstract patterns and highwaisted pants! 
Black and White are probably my favourite colours (boring... I know, but I feel so sheek and classy in them) 
I love to mix up my outfit either with a statement piece or two... I love my studded loafers it just roughens up my outfit :)

Cardigan - Target (cheap!!)
Crop white T-shirt - Sportsgirl (2 for $30.00)
Pants - Glassons ($29.99)
Belt - Glassons ($19.99)
Shoes - Studded loafers from Pastel (On sale for $20.000

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Outfit of the Day

Inspired by a vintage and modern clash... 
I love embroidery and aged looking clothing and matching them with a summer classic is my favourite

Boots - TopShop $79.95 (I think)
Sweater - Alice in the Eve $30.00 (From General Pants) 

Shorts - Glassons $10.00 (Sale item!!)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Uni Life

Hey Hey, All my fellow Nerds!

This semester I have a few friends to help me commit to the new semester.
Being a professional procrastinator I find having company from cute stationary makes the year a whole lot easier!
I find a lot more security in having, written allocations of all things to do... 
A balanced medium of study,work, budgeting and a social life is important, so for me organisation is the key... DUH! 
Theres a fun way of doing it, for starters find an all purpose 'Everyday Planner' like mine which I bought from office works for a bargain! I love it! 
Whatever your learning ability stress will come and stress will go... 
However, just remember that with challenge comes gain, and with struggle comes success and appreciation
Uni is only what you make it! 
So make it fun,creative and interesting! It's worked for me :)
I'll keep you all updated on all things uni
Until then...
Stay Fab xox

Monday, July 8, 2013

Healthy Yummies

Goodmorning All!

This morning for breakfast I decided to give myself a health kick and attempted to fill myself with something delicious but nutritious! 

Below I have shared a photo of a supplement - 'Vital Greens' that has been stored away in my pantry for months, hidden from any human contact...
 Due to one very bad experience with it I was determined to never try it again. 
For those who have tried it I'm sure you know what I mean, but for those who haven't (lucky you) it's a green powder that is created from 76 vital vitamins, minerals, super foods, antioxidants etc. AND it isn't that yummy... 
But today I gathered all my strength, courage and creativity and made myself a super smoothie! (pictured below also)

In my smoothie I put, 
About 3-4 large Strawberries cut up in small cubes, 2 full teaspoons of Vital Greens, low fat milk, a decent spoon full of ice-cream.. (hehe), about a tablespoon of black chia seeds, about 2-3 big spoons of low fat yoghurt and a squish of honey.. 

Now, I was still very fearful of the outcome, BUT! Its not bad at all.. 

this little blog entry, was something that I have found to be useful to me in actually finding a great way to make yuck supplements taste great. So, thanks :)
I believe that you can use this recipe with other supplements etc. So go on now, there is no excuse :)

So stay FAB. 
Im out 